Rushing employees Device


Rushing employees Device is a device designed for work environments and useful in rush hours at work.

“I take objects designed to facilitate architectural organization and insert them into daily manufactured environments.  Camouflaged by functionality, these objects are then used against their intended purposes. They disrupt the way we are trained to interact with our physical spaces. They become sabotage interfaces: prosthetic devices between people that are intended to interrupt the programmed interactions for the purpose of underlining the preexistent hierarchies and dynamics.
I want objects to sneak into the constructed world and corrupt it.
The physical pieces used here allude to a user-friendly coexistence and the inviting aesthetic that is built into commercial products and architecture.”

Excerpt from the article “Working slowly” – Esteban Rivera

Mechanical hand with gradable speed knob to accelerate or decelerate the fingers velocity.

  • Dispositivo para afanar empleados
  • Media: Silicone, engine, movement sensor, sound amplifier.
  • 2010
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